How I began losing belly fat naturally without the use of diet pills.

A story about losing belly fat that the pharmaceutical companies may not want me to tell you.

I'll admit it guys I got on the diet pill kick there for a while and as most of you know I saw some pretty quick results. I got all excited about losing belly fat and I shared my excitement with you. The problem was that that excitement was gone pretty quick.

I stopped losing belly fat as fast as I'd started. The diet pills suppressed my appetite and I almost NEVER ate so sure I dropped a little bit of belly fat but you can't keep that lifestyle up and expect to be healthy. The pills kept me from eating so my body compensated by slowing my metabolism down, because there was nothing to metabolize! Then, as soon as I started eating decent again I gained weight FAST. I was horrified.

What I learned from a good friend of mine changed the way I thought about losing belly fat completely. She told me that I had it backwards. Ironically the more I eat, the faster my metabolism burns fat. The key isn't starving yourself or doing sit ups all day, in fact DOING SIT UPS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LOSING BELLY FAT (I know... that one crushed me too) what I had to do was eat often throughout the day, about every three hours or so and raise my activity levels greatly.

She showed me a handbook that guided me through exactly what I needed to do and taught me all about losing belly fat in a way that was faster and more effective than anything I've ever tried, heard about or seen on TV. (Oh yeah, one great way to lose belly fat is to throw your TV out the window). Now I am steadily losing belly fat on a daily / weekly basis - my stomach looks awesome and I show it off constantly.

To view the guide on losing belly fat that I used, click here.